What is the meaning of the name Terence
The name Terence is commonly a male
name from the "Latin" origin that means "Tender, Gracious" .
Pronunciation of the name Terence The pronunciation of the name Terence is TEHR enss
Numerology of the name Terence Lucky Number: 4
Logical and organized, 4s appreciate structure in their lives. They are good at paying attention to detail, which would help when working as scientists or managers!
Summary Famous People Named Terence Terence A. Clegg (Producer), Terence Baker (Producer), Terence Bayler (Actor), Terence Bowman (Actor, Writer), Terence Brady (Writer, Actor), Terence Brook (Actor), Terence Budd (Actor), Terence Conoley (Actor), Terence Cooper (Actor, Producer, Writer), Terence Corrigan (Actor), Terence Davies (Director, Writer), Terence Hill (Actor, Director), Terence Stamp (Actor, Director), Terence Trent D\u0027Arby (Actor),