What is the meaning of the name Tadeusz
The name Tadeusz is commonly a male
name from the "Polish" origin that means "the Ecclesiastic Late Latin Thaddeus, which is from the Greek Thaddaios, a name of uncertain derivation Some believe it a variant of Theodoras God's gift. Others feel it is from an Aramaic word meaning praised. The name is borne by the Polish prime minister, Tadeusz Mazowiecki b. 1927".
Pronunciation of the name Tadeusz
The pronunciation of the name Tadeusz is TAH- DAY-OOSH
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Tadeusuz (Polish),
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Numerology of the name Tadeusz
Lucky Number: 3
3s have a great sense of humor and always make you laugh when the mood is low. They can see life in a favorable light, which means that they will find something funny about anything that happens around them!
Boy - Boy NamesMeaning:
the Ecclesiastic Late Latin Thaddeus, which is from the Greek Thaddaios, a name of uncertain derivation Some believe it a variant of Theodoras God's gift. Others feel it is from an Aramaic word meaning praised. The name is borne by the Polish prime minister, Tadeusz Mazowiecki b. 1927Origin:
Polish - Polish Boy NamesFirst Character:
T - Boy Names that start with TNo of Characters:
Famous People Named Tadeusz
Tadeusz Andrzejewski (Actor), Tadeusz Arciuch (Director, Writer), Tadeusz Baljon (Actor), Tadeusz Bartkowiak (Actor), Tadeusz Bartosik (Actor), Tadeusz Borowski (Actor), Tadeusz Bradecki (Actor, Director, Writer), Tadeusz Chmielewski (Writer, Director, Producer), Tadeusz Chojnacki (Producer), Tadeusz Chudecki (Actor), Tadeusz Chyla (Actor), Tadeusz Cygler (Actor), Tadeusz Czechowski (Actor),