- Gender: Male
- Origin: Scandinavian
- Meaning: strong youth, which is derived from the root svinn strong, able, wise According to Norse mythology, Sveinn was a son of Jarl and Erna, the progenitors of the ruling class. Cognate: Svend Danish, Swedish; Svein, Sven Norwegian; Svends Swedish.
- Popularity
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Last Updated: Nov 01, 2022
What is the meaning of the name Sveinn
The name Sveinn is commonly a male
name from the "Scandinavian" origin that means "strong youth, which is derived from the root svinn strong, able, wise According to Norse mythology, Sveinn was a son of Jarl and Erna, the progenitors of the ruling class. Cognate: Svend Danish, Swedish; Svein, Sven Norwegian; Svends Swedish. ".
Pronunciation of the name Sveinn
The pronunciation of the name Sveinn is SVANE, SVEN
Numerology of the name Sveinn
Lucky Number: 4
Logical and organized, 4s appreciate structure in their lives. They are good at paying attention to detail, which would help when working as scientists or managers!
Boy - Boy NamesMeaning:
strong youth, which is derived from the root svinn strong, able, wise According to Norse mythology, Sveinn was a son of Jarl and Erna, the progenitors of the ruling class. Cognate: Svend Danish, Swedish; Svein, Sven Norwegian; Svends Swedish. Origin:
Scandinavian - Scandinavian Boy NamesFirst Character:
S - Boy Names that start with SNo of Characters: