What is the meaning of the name Sandra
The name Sandra is commonly a female
name from the "Italian" origin that means "Variant of Alexandra - Defender" .
Pronunciation of the name Sandra The pronunciation of the name Sandra is SAN drah
Numerology of the name Sandra Lucky Number: 3
3s have a great sense of humor and always make you laugh when the mood is low. They can see life in a favorable light, which means that they will find something funny about anything that happens around them!
Summary Famous People Named Sandra Sandra Annenberg (Actress), Sandra Archer (Actress), Sandra Asbury-Johnson (Actress), Sandra B (Actress), Sandra Ballesteros (Actress), Sandra Barsotti (Actress, Writer), Sandra Beltran (Actress), Sandra Bernadou (Actress), Sandra Bernhard (Actress, Writer), Sandra Bettin (Actress), Sandra Bezic (Actress, Producer), Sandra Blaney (Actress), Sandra Bonzi (Writer), Sandra Borgmann (Actress), Sandra Bréa (Actress), Sandra Bryant (Actress), Sandra Bullock (Producer, Actress), Sandra Cervik (Actress), Sandra Church (Actress), Sandra Crouch (Actress), Sandra Dark (Actress), Sandra Dee (Actress), Sandra Elaine Allen (Actress), Sandra Peabody (Actress, Writer, Producer), Sandra Smith Allyn (Writer, Actress, Producer), Sandra Will (Actress),