What is the meaning of the name Luc
The name Luc is commonly a male
name from the "English" origin that means "Bringer of light|From Luciana. A masculine form of Lucy" .
Pronunciation of the name Luc The pronunciation of the name Luc is LOOK
Names like Luc Ghoukas ,
Luc ,
Lucaas ,
Lucan ,
Lucas ,
Lucca ,
Lucero ,
Luciano ,
Lucien ,
Lucio ,
Lucius ,
Lucjusz ,
Lukacs ,
Lukas ,
Lukasz ,
Lukyan ,
Luke Numerology of the name Luc Lucky Number: 3
3s have a great sense of humor and always make you laugh when the mood is low. They can see life in a favorable light, which means that they will find something funny about anything that happens around them!
Summary Famous People Named Luc Luc Andrieux (Actor), Luc Barney (Actor), Luc Barnier (Director), Luc Béraud (Writer, Director, Actor), Luc Besson (Writer, Producer, Director), Luc Bihan (Director), Luc Bondy (Director, Writer), Luc Boyer (Actor), Luc Caals (Actor), Luc Chalifour (Director), Luc Dardenne (Producer, Director, Writer), Luc Robitaille (Producer, Actor),