Names that mean uncertain

Naming your baby can be a difficult task. The meaning behind the name you choose will give them clues about who they are, and it's important to find one that fits. The following list will provide you with some great options that have the word Uncertain in their meaning.

1. Boy names that mean uncertain

  1. Abayomi The name Abayomi is of African origin and means "Of uncertain African origin. Means 'born to bring me joy.'".
  2. Andal The name Andal is of Indian origin and means "Of uncertain meaning borne by the Vaish- navite sage and poet of the 8th or 9th century".
  3. Atreo The name Atreo is of Spanish origin and means "the Greek Atreus, a name of uncertain derivation The name is borne in Greek mythology by a son of Pelops and Ilippodamia. Atreus was a king of Argos and Mycenae and father of Agamemnon and Menelaus. The tragic fate of the family was the basis for many classical tragedies".
  4. Avan The name Avan is of English origin and means "Modern coinage of uncertain origin and mean-ing".
  5. Beckon The name Beckon is of American origin and means "Modern coinage of uncertain derivation".
  6. Boye The name Boye is of Scandinavian origin and means "Dutch name of uncertain and disputed origin Some believe it to be a cognate of the English boy lad, youth, from the Middle English boie boy, knave, servant. Cognate: Boje Frisian".
  7. Brizio The name Brizio is of Italian origin and means "Italian cognate of the French Brice, a name derived from the Latin Britius, which is of uncertain etymology Alternatively, Brizio is used as a short form of Fabrizio craftsman. See FABRIZIO".
  8. Daiquan The name Daiquan is of African-American origin and means "Modern coinage of uncertain derivation".
  9. Dariusz The name Dariusz is of Polish origin and means "Polish form of Darius, an old Latin name de-rived from the Greek Dareios, which is of uncertain origin and meaning. It is thought to ultimately be derived from Darayavahush, the name of an ancient Persian king".
  10. Dontavis The name Dontavis is of English origin and means "Modern coinage of uncertain origin and meaning".
  11. Ignati The name Ignati is of Russian origin and means "the Greek Ignatios, a cognate of the Latin Ignatius, which is from Egnatius, an old Roman family name of uncertain etymology Some believe it to be of Etruscan origin. Others derive it from the Latin ignis fire. Short: Ignat. Pet: Ignasha".
  12. Ignatios The name Ignatios is of Greek origin and means "From the Latin Ignatius, which is derived from Egnatius, an old Roman family name of uncertain etymology Some believe it to be of Etruscan origin. Others derive it from the Latin ignis fire".
  13. Jaiman The name Jaiman is of African-American origin and means "Modern coinage of uncertain derivation".
  14. Jarnail The name Jarnail is of African-American origin and means "Modern coinage of uncertain derivation".
  15. Jerran The name Jerran is of American origin and means "Modern coinage of uncertain derivation".
  16. Kassian The name Kassian is of Russian origin and means "From the Latin Cassianus, a name derived from Cassius, an old Roman family name of uncertain meaning. It is possibly derived from the Latin cassus hollow, empty".
  17. Kerill The name Kerill is of Irish origin and means "Anglicized form of Coireall, an ancient name of uncertain etymology See COIREALL".
  18. Marceli The name Marceli is of Polish origin and means "From the Latin Marcelllnus, a diminutive variant of Marcus, which is of uncertain derivation. Most believe it has its root in Mars, the name of the Roman mythological god of war. Others, however, think it is from mas manly or from the Greek malakoz soft, tender".
  19. Mecislav The name Mecislav is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Compound name, the first element of which is of uncertain derivation: from miecz sword, the Old Polish miecz man, father, or mieszka bear The second element is the Slavonic slav glory. Pet: Mecek, Mecfk, Mecislavek".
  20. Mleczyslaw The name Mleczyslaw is of Polish origin and means "Compound name, the first element of which is of uncertain derivation. Some believe it to be from miecz sword, the Old Polish miecz man, father, or mieszka bear. The second element is the Slavonic slav glory. The name was borne by two early kings of Poland".
  21. Nizar The name Nizar is of Muslim origin and means "Popular name of uncertain derivation".
  22. Odur The name Odur is of Scandinavian origin and means "the Old Norse 05r, which is of uncertain meaning According to Norse mythology, Odur, the first husband of Freya, was accustomed to going away for long periods of time, leaving Freya to weep for his return".
  23. Osbaldo The name Osbaldo is of English origin and means "Uncertain".
  24. Pardee The name Pardee is of American origin and means "Of uncertain derivation, Pardee might be a variant of the surname Pardey, which is derived from the French par Dieu by God".
  25. Serjiusz The name Serjiusz is of Polish origin and means "From the Latin Sergius, an old Roman family name of uncertain etymology".
  26. Tadeu The name Tadeu is of Portuguese origin and means "Portuguese cognate of Thaddeus, an Ecclesiastic Late Latin name derived from the Ecclesiastic Greek Thaddaios, which is of uncertain derivation Some believe it to be a variant of Theodoros God's gift. Others feel it is from an Aramaic word meaning praised".
  27. Tadeusz The name Tadeusz is of Polish origin and means "the Ecclesiastic Late Latin Thaddeus, which is from the Greek Thaddaios, a name of uncertain derivation Some believe it a variant of Theodoras God's gift. Others feel it is from an Aramaic word meaning praised. The name is borne by the Polish prime minister, Tadeusz Mazowiecki b. 1927".
  28. Tae The name Tae is of American origin and means "Modern coinage of uncertain derivation".
  29. Teger The name Teger is of American origin and means "Modern name of uncertain derivation".
  30. Thaddaios The name Thaddaios is of Greek origin and means "Ecclesiastic Greek name of uncertain derivation Some believe it to be a variant of Theodoros God's gift. Others feel it is from an Aramaic word meaning praised".
  31. Thaddej The name Thaddej is of Russian origin and means "the Greek Thaddaios, a name of uncertain derivation Some believe it to be a variant of Theodoros God's gift. Others feel it is from an Aramaic word meaning praised. The name is found in the Bible as a name of one of the Twelve Apostles of Christ".
  32. Uawan The name Uawan is of African-American origin and means "Modern coinage of uncertain derivation".
  33. Vldar The name Vldar is of Scandinavian origin and means "the Old Norse Vi5arr, an ancient name of uncertain meaning According to Norse mythology, Vidar was the son of Odin and the giantess Grid. He was the silent god, known for his great strength. At Ragnarok, he avenged Odin's death by killing the Fenris Wolf".
  34. Vlrgil The name Vlrgil is of English origin and means "From the Latin Vergilius, an old Roman family name of uncertain derivation. Some believe it to be from ver spring and give it the meaning youthful, flourishing".
  35. Wesken The name Wesken is of American origin and means "Modern coinage of uncertain derivation, possibly influenced by Weston from Weston".
  36. Xerxes The name Xerxes is of Persian origin and means "Meaning uncertain. This name is originally Persian, where it takes the form Khshayarsha. The Hebrew form is Ahasuerus. ".

2. Girl names that mean uncertain

  1. Aeola The name Aeola is of Greek origin and means "Feminine form of Aeolus, a name of uncertain derivation, which was borne by the Greek mythological god of the winds".
  2. Afda The name Afda is of Spanish origin and means "Of uncertain derivation popularized after Verdi used it for the name of the central character in his opera Aida 1871".
  3. Agrafena The name Agrafena is of Russian origin and means "Russian form of the Latin Agrippina, a name of uncertain etymology borne by Agrippina the Younger A.D. 15 ?—59, the mother of Nero. Some believe it to mean born feet-first".
  4. Ahawhypersie The name Ahawhypersie is of North American Indian origin and means "Crow name of uncertain meaning".
  5. Alapela The name Alapela is of Hawaiian origin and means "Hawaiian form of Arabella, an old Scottish name of uncertain etymology. Some believe it to have originally been a Norman name derived from the ele-ment am eagle or arin a hearth. Others think it a variant of Anabel, another name of uncertain origin and meaning. See ANNABEL Scottish Names".
  6. Alcinda The name Alcinda is of American origin and means "Modern coinage of uncertain derivation It is perhaps based on the name Lucinda light".
  7. Aldeen The name Aldeen is of Irish origin and means "Anglicized form of Etain, an old Gaelic name of uncertain meaning See ETAIN".
  8. Allbhe The name Allbhe is of Irish origin and means "A common name of uncertain derivation, some believe it to be derived from the Latin albus white. Ailbhe has been Anglicized as Alvy, Elva, and Olive".
  9. Amkima The name Amkima is of North American Indian origin and means "Kiowa name of uncertain meaning".
  10. Antuaneta The name Antuaneta is of Polish origin and means "Polish form of the French Antoinette, a feminine diminutive form of Antoine, which is a cognate of Anthony The name is derived from the old Roman family name Antonius, which is of uncertain origin and meaning".
  11. Ariesa The name Ariesa is of African-American origin and means "Modern coinage of uncertain derivation".
  12. Breqlynn The name Breqlynn is of American origin and means "Modern coinage of uncertain derivation".
  13. Brylieva The name Brylieva is of American origin and means "Modern coinage of uncertain derivation".
  14. Caidyn The name Caidyn is of American origin and means "Modern coinage of uncertain derivation".
  15. Clfodhna The name Clfodhna is of Irish origin and means "Gaelic name of uncertain meaning".
  16. Cypria The name Cypria is of Greek origin and means "Based on the name of the Mediterranean is-land of Cyprus. It is of uncertain etymology".
  17. Danacia The name Danacia is of American origin and means "Modern coinage of uncertain derivation It possibly originated as a blending of the names of the parents or relatives of a child".
  18. Darenda The name Darenda is of American origin and means "Modern name of uncertain derivation. It might have been coined from name elements of parents or relatives of the child, or modeled after the name Brenda".
  19. Dariya The name Dariya is of Russian origin and means "Feminine form of Darius, a cognate of the Greek Dareios, which is an ancient name of uncertain origin. It is thought to ultimately be derived from Darayavahush, the name of an ancient Persian king. Dariya is one of the most popular names in Russia today, and Dasha is the favored pet form".
  20. Darrene The name Darrene is of English origin and means "Feminine form of Darren, which is of uncertain origin and meaning See DARREN Male Names".
  21. Einmyria The name Einmyria is of Scandinavian origin and means "Of uncertain meaning borne in Norse mythology by one of the two daughters of Loki, the trickster god Little is known of her other than her name and that of her sister, Eisa".
  22. Ferdinanda The name Ferdinanda is of German origin and means "Feminine form of Ferdinand, which is of uncertain origin and meaning. See FERDINAND French Male Names".
  23. Gordona The name Gordona is of Scottish origin and means "Feminine form of Gordon, which is of uncertain etymology. See GORDON Male Names".
  24. Hlfn The name Hlfn is of Scandinavian origin and means "Ancient name of uncertain meaning borne in Norse mythology by one of Frigg's attendants, the goddess of consolation who relieved grief and heard the prayers of mortals".
  25. Jandellyn The name Jandellyn is of African-American origin and means "Modern coinage of uncertain derivation".
  26. Jatana The name Jatana is of American origin and means "Modern coinage of uncertain derivation".
  27. Javonna The name Javonna is of American origin and means "Modern coinage of uncertain derivation".
  28. Joreen The name Joreen is of American origin and means "Modern coinage of uncertain derivation".
  29. Julitte The name Julitte is of French origin and means "the Latin Julitta, a name of uncertain origin Some believe it to be a Late Latin form of Judith he will be praised; others think it is a variant of Julia. The name was borne by a 4th-century woman martyred in Tarsus with her infant son, Quiricus".
  30. Kaemoxmith The name Kaemoxmith is of North American Indian origin and means "Yakima name of uncertain meaning".
  31. Kaia The name Kaia is of Hawaiian origin and means "The sea, as a short form of some long name. The meaning of this name is uncertain. In old documents it might stand for Ka-i'a the fish.".
  32. Klerce The name Klerce is of American origin and means "Modern coinage of uncertain derivation".
  33. Lahonda The name Lahonda is of African-American origin and means "Modern coinage of uncertain derivation".
  34. Lazette The name Lazette is of American origin and means "Modern coinage of uncertain derivation".
  35. Marcenya The name Marcenya is of American origin and means "Modern coinage of uncertain derivation".
  36. Mecislava The name Mecislava is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Feminine form of Mecislav, a compound name, the first element of which is uncertain Some believe it to be from miecz sword, the Old Polish miecz man, father, or mieszka bear. The second element is the Slavonic slav glory. Pet: Mecina, Mecka".
  37. Nlkeesha The name Nlkeesha is of African-American origin and means "Modern coinage of uncertain derivation".
  38. Oriane The name Oriane is of French origin and means "Of uncertain derivation and meaning, Oriane seems to have first been used as the name of a character in the medieval French romance Amadis de Gaul Some believe Oriane to have been derived from the Latin oriri to rise or from the Old French or gold".
  39. Sabrineeka The name Sabrineeka is of African-American origin and means "Modern coinage of uncertain derivation".
  40. Scenanki The name Scenanki is of North American Indian origin and means "Creek name of uncertain meaning borne by the wife of Tomochichi She sailed to England in 1734 with her husband and several other Creeks with James Oglethorpe, a move that led to commercial trade between the Creek Nation and white traders".
  41. Shalana The name Shalana is of American origin and means "Modern coinage of uncertain derivation".
  42. Shaleen The name Shaleen is of American origin and means "Modern coinage of uncertain derivation".
  43. Sllpe The name Sllpe is of North American Indian origin and means "Flathead name of uncertain meaning".
  44. Taisiya The name Taisiya is of Russian origin and means "Believed to be a Russian form of the Greek Thais, which is of uncertain derivation Bond is a popular folk definition. The name was borne by a 4th-cen- tury B.C. courtesan who accompanied Alexander the Great on his Asiatic campaign. Pet: Tasya, Taya".
  45. Tanadia The name Tanadia is of American origin and means "Modern coinage of uncertain derivation".
  46. Tarja The name Tarja is of African-American origin and means "Modern coinage of uncertain derivation".
  47. Tashanee The name Tashanee is of African-American origin and means "Modern coinage of uncertain derivation".
  48. Tatana The name Tatana is of Czech / Slovak origin and means "Feminine form of the Latin Tatianus, a de-rivative of the old Roman family name Tatius, which is of uncertain origin Short: Tana. Pet: Tanicka".
  49. Terez The name Terez is of Slavic origin and means "Variant of Theresa which is a popular saint's name of uncertain meaning.".
  50. Tresa The name Tresa is of English origin and means "Variant of Theresa which is a popular saint's name of uncertain meaning.".
  51. Vlanna The name Vlanna is of African-American origin and means "Modern coinage of uncertain derivation".
  52. Zarion The name Zarion is of African-American origin and means "Modern coinage of uncertain derivation".
  53. Zaylie The name Zaylie is of English origin and means "Of uncertain etymology, some believe it to be a variant of Zelie, which itself is a variant of Celia heaven See CELIA".

3. Unisex names that mean uncertain

  1. Terika The name Terika is of English origin and means "Abbreviation of Teresa which is a popular saint's name of uncertain meaning.".